That's right, this comes from royalty, bitch!
It is the official tartan of the Stewarts of Scotland. Scotland - that's not hard to believe considering plaid's prelumberjackian history. But you know what is hard to believe? This tartan is the official tartan of Queen Elizabeth and her subjects. Why you ask? Because since England and Scotland were united over three centuries ago, she is just as much Queen of Scotland as she is the Queen of England. You know how I know this is all true? It's on wikipedia!
Big deal, right? This may all seem like some useless trivia, but imagine this: Queen Elizabeth II wearing an LL Bean shirt made out of this stuff. See now it's just not trivia, it's downright hilarious! Now picture her with an ax in hand, straddling a huge log. Well, you can see where this is going.
So the next time you see some one sporting this handsome tartan, don't just think lumberjack; think of the classic Monty Python skit and insert an image of Queen Elizabeth herself. Now try not to laugh like a lunatic in public. You're welcome.
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