DISCLAIMER: The author of this blog is not a licensed professional lumberjack, and by no means intends any posts on this blog to serve as professional advice on tree felling, log splitting, firewood cutting, or any other woodsman activity. Always consult your local lumberjack for any of your timber or firewood needs.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Canine hearing

The funniest thing about cranking the stereo with your dog in the room must be the fact that although than can hear someone's old TV tubes whining a half block away, they can hear almost no bass notes.  What cracks me up is working or studying with the tunes turned all the way up, and the dog curled up on her bed like a garden hose, sound asleep next to a shaking subwoofer. 

Right now I have the Foo Fighters turned up so loud that if I still had longer hair, I'd probably look like the guy on those old Maxell blank cassette tapes (aging myself here I guess).  Meanwhile, the dog literally has not moved in over an hour.  Her head is less than two feet from the sub. It just kills me.

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