DISCLAIMER: The author of this blog is not a licensed professional lumberjack, and by no means intends any posts on this blog to serve as professional advice on tree felling, log splitting, firewood cutting, or any other woodsman activity. Always consult your local lumberjack for any of your timber or firewood needs.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sanders vs. Media Consolidation

For those who do not know, the FCC is considering loosening its already loose regulations to allow large corporations to own even more tv, radio, and print outlets in each individual media market. 

You know it!  The same people who would not let you say "fuck" on the air are considering allowing Rupert Murdoch or some other unsavory individuals to buy your town's newspaper, cable providers, tv stations, and radio stations.

Think there will be much diversity of opinion when that happens?  Think your cable tv and broadband rates will stay affordable when there is no more competition in the market?  Doubtful.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has this new op-ed piece in Politico beseeching the FCC to change their collective mind regarding the proposed rule change. It is certainly worth a read and it is very brief.

If after reading it you feel compelled to voice your opposition to having Rupert Murdoch's wrinkly ass covering your media market, you can also sign the good Senator's petition here. I know, I know.  Petitions.  But seriously, Bernie is the one man on Capitol Hill who well, let's be blunt, gives a damn. I guess what I'm saying is, it's worth it.

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