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Monday, July 22, 2013

More breaking news from Britain!

As if you didn't still have the taste of bubble and squeak lingering in your mouth from all the royal baby coverage, Britain keeps the hits coming today!  Now Tory Prime Minister David Cameron wants to censor pornography on the internet.

I realize Britain is a smaller country and not a federation like the United States.  I realize that issues that would be reserved to the states here and could not make it to the federal level in Washington can still be a topic of debate in London.  Still, it leaves me scratching my head over why the leader of the government of a G8 country would actually dedicate time to filtering the beat banks of his constituents.  Sorry.  "Wank banks".

Child pornography as well as pornography depicting rape should of course be outlawed and their producers shut down and arrested.  I wholeheartedly agree with Cameron on that part of his crusade.  However, aside from some bogus Focus on the Family moral argument, there really is no legitimate reason for a national leader to be engaged in a quest to censor sexually explicit content made for adults by adults.

As an American, however, I will say that I am a little relieved.  David Cameron is showing the world the ancestral homeland of American Puritanism and "family values" horse shit: England.

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