DISCLAIMER: The author of this blog is not a licensed professional lumberjack, and by no means intends any posts on this blog to serve as professional advice on tree felling, log splitting, firewood cutting, or any other woodsman activity. Always consult your local lumberjack for any of your timber or firewood needs.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Follow up on New England Accents

Remember the post on New England accents from several weeks back?  Well, this person, who at the time was actually writing a thesis on the subject, has done a much better job of dissecting all of the region's accents, variations of accents, etc.  I must give credit where it is due, and believe me, it is due here

Now of course this other person's bit is much more academic and a lot less humorous, but it is still worth a read if you get a second.  He takes a look at the history of the accents, where they are geographically centered, and how one of them (New Hampshire) is declining.  It is in no way the anecdote-filled page of jokes which I have written on the subject, but it is engrossing in its own right.

On a side-note, I love the fact that the photo he has in his post is actually a view from Mt. Sugarloaf, a five-minute drive from my family's place. 

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