DISCLAIMER: The author of this blog is not a licensed professional lumberjack, and by no means intends any posts on this blog to serve as professional advice on tree felling, log splitting, firewood cutting, or any other woodsman activity. Always consult your local lumberjack for any of your timber or firewood needs.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Another storm coming

Another storm is fast approaching the Northeast.  It is set to begin Saturday night, with some areas seeing a foot of accumulation by the next afternoon.

Although this could not come at a more inconvenient time for me, I still accept and appreciate it.  It is what makes this season unique, and it is an important feature of this little part of the world.  Unfortunately, not everyone shares this feeling.

For those ignorant enough to wait for and indeed embrace global climate change as a great thing that will turn Vermont into Venezuela, Massachusetts into Miami, and Connecticut into Cancun, I have a suggestion:  don't wait!  Book your flights in advance, get to that great infernal weather sooner, and save some money!  Below are some rates from Priceline.

That's right!  Stop your complaining, stop wishing winter would disappear, and instead make yourself disappear!  It is much easier to do, and indeed it is much easier on my ears. 

So now that I have done you the favor of conveying this precious information, please do me a solid and stop your incessant whining.  No one has hogtied you and forced you to sit through winter after winter.  If you are a US citizen, you have the right to live in or at least visit damn near every biome known to humankind. I'd suggest you take advantage of that fact.

You may of course also simply ignore me.  Feel free to do so.  But please be advised that I will feel equally free to walk away from you unannounced, mid-conversation, the next time you subject me to your childish bellyaching.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Follow up on New England Accents

Remember the post on New England accents from several weeks back?  Well, this person, who at the time was actually writing a thesis on the subject, has done a much better job of dissecting all of the region's accents, variations of accents, etc.  I must give credit where it is due, and believe me, it is due here

Now of course this other person's bit is much more academic and a lot less humorous, but it is still worth a read if you get a second.  He takes a look at the history of the accents, where they are geographically centered, and how one of them (New Hampshire) is declining.  It is in no way the anecdote-filled page of jokes which I have written on the subject, but it is engrossing in its own right.

On a side-note, I love the fact that the photo he has in his post is actually a view from Mt. Sugarloaf, a five-minute drive from my family's place. 

Word of the Day

Today's Word of the Day is:

Whogivesashit? (interj.)

What any reasonable person feels absolutely compelled to exclaim whenever confronted with irrelevant and sensationalist news stories such as:
-the famous amputee runner who killed his girlfriend thousands of miles from here
-the naked art exhibit in Vienna (Seriously, it's in Austria. Is anyone surprised?)
-the dude who put a couch in his igloo (Who hasn't thought about doing that after being snowed in for days and killing a case of beer?)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

VIDEO: Greatest late night clip ever

Take a look at this amazing clip of Louis C.K. from The Tonight Show.  Louis gives some great insight - as always - into American history, the legacy of slavery, and our present-day social issues.

My absolute favorite thing about this?  The fact that he corrects people's misconception of history and utter lack of time frame.  It drives me crazy to hear discussions of modern history as if it were ancient Egypt.  This doesn't just apply to slavery and its ugly legacy.  No no.  Relatively few people truly understand and appreciate that the world of fast cars, telecommunications, and modern medicine in which we now live only came into existence within one human lifetime.  One human lifetime before that and - well, Louis said it.  You're back at the end of slavery.  Need some more perspective?  This was the United States and the world only 50 years ago.  And for those of you who are young like me, that was only 20ish years before we were born.  I guess what I'm saying is this was recent.

The other great thing?  The fact that a fellow white guy said it - and without an agenda or a nauseatingly predictable admission of prefabricated guilt.  He just laid the truth out there - albeit with a few laughs - and let the public deal with it.   Hopefully it will do a little something to bring people closer together and closer to the truth.  And thank you Louis for making this white guy feel not so all alone in his view of the world.

Thanks to Deepa Kunapuli at UPWORTHY for finding the Louis C.K. clip.

Friday, February 15, 2013


This is simply outrageous. Who honestly drinks this stuff? And to shovel snow after a Nor'Easter?

There is one acceptable time to drink beers in the Corona/bottled sporting water category: while working outdoors during a heatwave. This exception only even exists because of such brews' rehydrating effect. And when do we drink things with weird additives in them? You guessed it. Never!

Ok I'm of my soapbox - err - beer box. Enjoy your day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

An open letter to Victoria's Secret

I've wanted to write an open letter to Victoria's Secret for years, but never quite found the right time, place, or medium.  I figured it was high time a heterosexual man lambasted them for their unabashed use of underweight models, their pedophilia-laced ad campaigns, and their general parasitic relationship with the personal insecurities of the women to whom they sell.

My urge to write peaked around the time of that hullabaloo surrounding certain television channels banning a Lane Bryant underwear commercial a few years back (because the model featured in it had real breasts and didn't starve herself - shhhh!) but again I never quite found the time.  Well, there's no time like the present, and though I have not watched tv literally in months (and therefore have not seen much of any commercials) this little rant somehow popped back into my head.  So here it is.  Enjoy it.

An Open Letter to Victoria's Secret

Dear V.S.,

It's time we had a little talk, man-to-whatever you are or represent.  You see, what you do is wrong, and you need to start changing your ways.  By all means, keep selling lacy underwear, holding fashion shows, and producing television commercials; that's all beside the point.  What you need to change is how you go about all of it.  If you want to keep making and selling women's underwear, start using women to market them.  And be nice about it while you're at it.

From what I see in your advertising, you have two target audiences: men to whom your models and product are meant to be attractive, and women who would like to be as appealing to men as the women in your commercials are and whom you would have believe could be so appealing by wearing your products.  Now that sounds like a win-win.  So what's the problem?  The models you employ to market your products are not always real women.  At best they are grown women who are abnormally underweight, at worst they are underaged girls or women whose faces and bodies possess child-like characteristics.

What does this all mean?  Well, it means that at best you are marketing eating disorders and the bodies they create, and that at worst you are using pedophilia as part of your marketing plan.  Either way, it's not pretty, and each part of the problem needs to be addressed in turn.

The Skinniness 

Everyone has different tastes.  Some men do like slender women, some prefer curvy, some like petite women, others go for the tall and lanky.  That's not a problem, in fact it's a great thing.  The issue is that your marketing would have us all believe that women with the average height of a man, the waistline of an early adolescent, and a torso flaunting more ribs than a Southern barbeque in summertime are the norm and should be expected.  Not only is there little to no diversity in the body types of your models, but in fact those models you do employ are all far outside the norm.  The result? The entire image and feel of your brand attempts to normalize the irregular and unrealistic, and it thereby shuns and marginalizes the true beauty inherent to the natural and diverse body of women in the real world.

About three years ago, Lane Bryant put together an ad for tv which featured a woman in lingerie.  Sounds like one of your ads, doesn't it?  What was different, though, was that this woman didn't look like she was molded out of plastic or was in need of UN food relief.  In spite of that - no, in fact because of that - she was absolutely gorgeous.  Here's the ad.  Go ahead, watch.  It's not long.

Now try to wipe up your drool.  Seriously.  I am sure your company and your admen especially think of you as the number one in marketing lingerie.  Numerically that may be true, but that is not to say you have nothing to learn from this ad.  You see, if you were a heterosexual man - and by this I mean a man who likes women and not pubescent girls - you would be secretly praying to whatever or whoever you believe in that you were Dan in that video clip.  You'd be thinking Dan was one lucky S.O.B.  And you'd be right.  Friggin Dan.

You know what is great about this ad too?  It features a beautiful woman in lingerie, without making the women watching the ad feel bad about their weight or their age.  And the model featured in it is neither fat nor old!!  How come your guys didn't think of that?  Call me crazy, but I think it may  have something to do with the fact that you all like playing to insecurities.  I think you even might have made your own market out of it, and damn if you haven't kept on cornering it.

The Girlyness

While preference in body types is a matter of taste, underage girls - and women who are hired specifically because they bear a striking resemblance to underage girls - are not and should not be a matter of taste.  Pedophilia is more or less illegal, though your company insists on using elements of it throughout your campaigns.  At first it was the policy - and do not tell me it was not a company policy - of hiring young women whose faces would have fooled the most discerning eye into believing the women were in fact children.  That was bad enough: marketing lingerie and bikinis with a child-like face above them.  And then you came out with your PINK brand.

PINK to me is perhaps the scariest thing in mainstream branding in all of America.  The unabashed melding of adolescent/scholastic and sexy/seductive themes is truly horrifying.  Do you remember that Jennifer Lopez movie The Cell from around ten or so years ago?  I didn't see it either, but I remember the premise: she goes inside the mind of a psycho killer.  Well, that's kind of how I would feel being inside one of your PINK stores: that I had delved into the mind of a pedophile.  The girly, childish casual attire interdispersed with adult underwear and provocative "athletic" wear.  The whole thing really is the perfect hypersexualization of a little girl's childhood bedroom.

I need a damn shower just having written that.

In all seriousness, this is a problem.  Even if you were to shut down your whole PINK line tomorrow - which I know you won't - the simple use of children or women who are intentionally chosen because of child-like features is wrong.  Why?  No lengthly explanation required here.  It is wrong because underneath it all, what you are selling is sex, and children and/or imitations of children have no role to play in any such sale.

In conclusion, try being a little more inclusive in your brand - except for the little girl crap.  That just needs to go.  Feature women from different backgrounds and of different shapes and sizes.   Who knows?!  You may even sell some of your products!

Now I am not saying that you need to de-sexualize your brand.  That's what people love, and I genuinely believe that while nine times out of ten women just need some underwear to throw on before getting dressed in the morning just like men, some women actually want to buy lingerie on occasion.  Sell it to them!  But don't include in the deal baggage about weight and size and age.  Nobody needs that. 

I am also not saying that you need to only feature thicker or even overweight models.  Far from it.  I do not think unhealthy weight on either end of the spectrum is something to be encouraged, and I do not believe any of us should do anything to make women who are naturally thin feel bad about themselves.  There is, however, a vastly diverse, amazingly beautiful and healthy medium from which to choose the representatives of your brand, and it is high time you start doing just that: making your brand more representative.  Not only could you whip up literally countless new ad campaigns to go along with the shift in company policy, but you might actually do something good for the world while turning a profit.  After all, isn't that the dream?

Anyhoo, I sincerely hope you found this letter to be informative and helpful, though I would be just as happy if it ticked you off and you never wrote back.  I am amused in such ways.  So yeah, I look forward to never hearing a reply from you, and have a great time shooting pictures of skeletons with baby faces and angel wings!


A Heterosexual Man

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Word of the Day

Well it looks as though we are a bit overdue for a Word of the Day, so here it goes:
Today's Word of the Day is:

Anhydrous (adj.)

1. Containing no water, especially no water of crystallization
2. Marco Rubio during his rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union address

Etymology: 19th Century: from Greek anudros; see an-, hydro-

VIDEO: Marco Rubio and the thirsty rebuttal

In case you didn't see Marco Rubio's rebuttal to the State of the Union last night, here is his brief highlight.  It truly is hard to tell whether he was attempting to rebut the President's main policy points or shoot a quick, cheap video for his own personal YouTube channel.

I would offer further commentary, but why bother?  This  more than speaks for itself.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Big brother is watching you

Welcome to the future, where apparently no price is too high for a sleek, post-modern illusion of security. According to this BBC Travel article, all sorts of new, hi-tech Bourne-Identity-meets-1984 methods of screening passengers at US airports are already coming off the assembly line and in some cases are even being tried out on the population.

The International Air Transport Association's proposed "checkpoint of the future”.

Two things immediately come to mind:

1.  If you try to defend freedom from those who would take it away with violence by eliminating it in the first place, doesn't that defeat the purpose of defending it?  Wouldn't that not only ensure that we are "letting the terrorists win", but that we are in fact handing them a form of victory and doing much of the work for them?  I am reminded of the famous Benjamin Franklin quote which everyone with a facebook account or collection of humorous t-shirts just adores: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"

2.  Some one is getting filthy fucking rich off of this.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The insanity continues

So apparently The Donald is now suing Bill Maher on a breach of contract theory for a rude joke he made on tv.  Think I'm kidding?!  It was the most read story today on Politico.

I sincerely hope The Donald's lawyers get dragged into chambers by their ears and chewed out for such a frivolous case.  I also hope this flaming, cellulose-based sack of canine excrement does not appear overleaf from Lucy v. Zehmer in future casebooks.

Sorry for the law school reference.  You can just google it and save yourself three years and a few hundred thousand dollars. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Word of the Day

Today's Word of the Day is:

Liberal Agenda (n.)

The outrageous set of ideals which holds that people, regardless of complexion, genitalia, beliefs, or choice of bedtime buddy should more or less have a fair shot of making it in this world.  It is usually worded in this way by minimally persuasive individuals who would like to instill in the minds of listeners that these ideals form an agenda - by which they mean ulterior motive - to infiltrate and destroy the good ol' US of A.


Did you see that comedian on TV last night? He was hilarious!
Na.  All they do on TV is push that liberal agenda on us.